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Riverpark Estates HOA
Board Meeting Minutes
Dec 19, 2024 via Webex

December 19, 2024

Riverpark Estates HOA Meeting minutes

Attendance: Greg Martin (board) and Mark Strong (board), Eydie Leighty and A Moore.


1.       Meeting called to order at 6:45PM

2.       Updated previous meeting minutes to include board voting between meetings.

3.       Voted to ratify minutes taken between 9/20/2024 to 12/19/2024 (Eydie to insert votes, passed unanimously)

4.       Sept 21, 2023 BOD meeting minutes

5.       As of 12/19/2024, our balances are

                Operating Budget is $15,527

                Total Reserves $72,936 and

                Total Assets are $88,483.

6.       Outstanding legal fees around $8000

7.       Under postage by ~$200. HOA Insurance over by $200. Gate maintenance $237, Street maintenance in Feb/Sept for $1057 (Eydie to check on whether we’ve collected).

8.       Outstanding balances $20,334 owed to HOA, all in legal status.

9.       Greg Martin will be reimbursed ~$18 for materials to post notices on mailboxes.

10.   A Moore’s work to repaint curb will begin after the New Year, in 2025. Board approved Eydie will advance a deposit $2500 for paint supplies. Moore will send invoice.

                Discussed plan to first post parking signs. Moore will complete an invoice as a second, to                 be approved and viewed online before next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15PM.