HOA Board Meeting January 30, 2024 @ 5:00 PM PT
via Webex


Officers in Attendance:

            Marika President

            Mikel Cassel, Treasurer

            Richard Williams, Secretary

            Eydie, Management



Discussed Current Issues

·         Only 2 owners had paid HOA annual dues so far year-to-date.

·         At approximately 7 AM, a bucket of motor oil was used to douse Lot 7 home. Happened sometime between 6 – 8 AM. Lot 7 owners reported the incident to police. New issue was opened for repeat vandalism issues in community.

·         Board authorized email notice to be sent to residents

o    Mikel motioned to approved

o    Richard seconded motion

·         Advertisements for room rentals by owners should be shared with mgt



Meeting adjourned at 5:49 pm


(Mgt note: this was a special meeting, 4/26/23 was last ratification of votes between meetings, p[ast minutes need ratification)