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Vintage Hills Division V Homeowners' Association
Minutes for Special BOD Meeting on January 6, 2023


Friday January 6, 2023, 9am

All in attendance:
Matt Rivera
Dominic Lopez
Scott Kinkade

Meeting called to order 9:10am

Dominic volunteered to take notes.

The Vote to approve Tim’s Landscaping contract was Approved by a 2 to 1 majority.


The vote to approve replacing the play chips was Not Approved by a majority vote. 

Scott has volunteered to continue researching and lead this project.

He has found some options that would save the HOA money.  

It would be done for less and be better for our HOA funds. 

We would like to thank Tim’s Landscaping for their offer for the playground chip job and decline. We are uncertain about where funds will come from. 


We can talk about the purchase of the chips and fuel, if possible, on Jan. 10th. We are thinking the end of March if we have the funds available.



Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am Friday Jan 6, 2023.