Marchini Meadows BOD Meeting Minutes Following Annual Owner meeting (town hall)


via WebEx


1) Call Meeting to Order 6:48pm via WebEx

As the board were the only owners present for the annual meeting it was dispensed with and the budget automatically ratified. Thus, there are no minutes for the annual meeting and no town hall was held.

2) Attendance and verification of quorum

2 of board members present: Tatyana Zhuravlev, and Ben Chan, (Estela Duran absent); HOA manager- Eydie Leighty 

3) Reading/Approval of Minutes from 11/21/22 were read, Tatyana motioned to approve, Ben seconded; also issues between 11/22/22-12/18/22, all were ratified unanimously

Voting Results Report - 2022-11-22 to 2022-12-19

Account Name Issue Date Voted Issue Title

Marchini Meadows 17880 11/23/2022 2023 Mgt Rec Budget, Meeting Notice And Agenda For Board Approval

Marchini Meadows 2094 11/23/2022 Ch13brslp-Vote 2Delaytrial-Vote2xl Stayifrogok-Vote2waive $200Legal-Stay Vote-Next St-Votedem Ltr

Marchini Meadows 17821 11/30/2022 Acc For Rent Sign

4) Vote to approve the following issues:

The following issues were voted on and passed unanimously in this meeting:

Marchini Meadows 10211 12/19/2022 Garage Door Damaged--Extension Request Approved to 5/1/23

Marchini Meadows 14284 12/19/2022 Lien/coll Warn-tabled to May 1 2023 due to extenuating circumstances

A unanimous vote was made to appoint Tracy Cao to the board to replace Ben whose term is ended. Ben nominated her and Tatyana 2nd. Eydie to reach out to set up board access as she couldn't attend the meeting but texted her interest in volunteering in advance. 

A unanimous vote was made to have Tatyana and Estela complete their appointed terms to next year.

A unanimous vote was made to keep officer roles the same for next year until Tracy can be at a meeting to discuss if any changes should be made at that time. 

5) Meeting adjourned 7:03pm