Riverpark Estates HOA
Board Meeting Minutes
Sept. 29, 2022 via WebEx
Board Meeting 9/29/2022
Meeting called to order at 6:40 PM
Board Members Present:
Ken, Barabara, David-President, Ann-Secretary.
1. With the resignation of former board president Marisa a new president had to be voted in.
2. Ken motioned for David to be the new President and Barbara second the motion. The vote was unanimous, David is the new board president.
3. Discussing Facebook and David being Admin for Facebook for HOA.
4. New President David taking over the storage the former President Marisa had in her garage.
Paying Marisa for storage of $180. and starting on 10/1/2022 thru 12/31/2022 paying storage fee of $60 to New President David for storage.
5. Discussion of keys transferring to owners from former owners and new owners contacting realtor for keys.
6. Discussion of when street cleaning should be done between 11/14/22 thru 11/19/22 before Thanksgiving. President David will be heading this up.
7. Discussed finding new homeowners to join Board.
8. David will be handling the painting of the roads in October.
Barbara motioned to end meeting. David stated all in favor. Meeting ended at 7:20PM
Ann Coffman Secretary