Living at Bridges HOA
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2021
On WebEx

1) Call Meeting to Order 6:06 pm (Michael)

2) Attendance and verification of quorum

Roll call:

x Michael Leighty
Donella Perez-Barbarus-absent
x Don Dunscomb
x Brian Goff
x Marlene Creaser
x Amanda Kellett 
x Laura Kitchen
x Eydie Leighty
x Iain Ferguson

3) Reading/Approval of Minutes from BOD meetings

  1. Oct 4, 2021 minutes approved MSP Motion to approve by Don, 2nd by Laura, passed unanimously
  2. Ratification of voting report (includes votes done unanimously outside of a meeting) 10/4/21-11/1/21 
    No votes taken without meeting during this timeframe
4) Reports of Officers: President, Vice Presidents, and Treasurer
  1. Review of and vote on Treasurer proposed budget with $10 per month dues increase per month MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Don, passed unanimously
  2. Reserve study changes to include park repairs and how they impacted the proposed budget
  3. Review of Financials Packages/Invoice Billings (Brian) Sept:
  4. Status of Accounts - Sept/Oct Collections (Eydie) One of the accts sent to collections contacted TMT today to bring in a check Sept 30 bal was $1748. Two TMT demand letters resulted in payoffs of $1070 and $1020. 7 are in legal and 2 more demands not responded to need to go to legal this month MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Amanda, passed unanimously
    Need vote to send current and all BR cases to legal for monitoring MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Don, passed unanimously
    Need vote to lien and do last chance letter for all account in legal who have not responded in 1st 30 days, and then to move to foreclosure if no response to that, the debts will be prioritized by largest amount first and only 3 at a time will be to be in foreclosure at once. MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Amanda, passed unanimously
    Need vote to automatically send TMT demand letters to any accounts $500 or over (currently ) MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Marlene, passed unanimously
  5. Other Pres/VP reports-- No pres. report, see VPs below
5) Property Manager’s Report--VP and committee reports
  1. ACC- 
    • Laura now ACC VP--first month
    • Willing to walk with Samantha on next compliance walk to identify. Will contact Samantha.
    • ACC actions report:  1 applications, 1 approved, 0 denied 
  2. Compliance-
    • Were owner occupied signs written up as requested? 7 were notified in Oct to remove them, there may be more, we will look into. 
    • Committee meeting soon, talk about parking issues--tabled
  3. Community Outreach--
    • Tenant info--design a letter to send to existing tenants. Get costs from Samantha on doing an all rental mailer to "occupants". $1.22 for mailer plus postage each approx.18 homes. Previously approved by board, awaiting draft from Donella.
    • Gift card costs reimbursed yet from TMT? NO!
  4. Landscaping and Maintenance-
    • Sheep and chicken quote pending from Desiree
    • Tagging on bridge wall reported to city by Don (RJKT tag),Nasty 2021 was covered by Don on graffiti wall trail.
    • Brightview contract underway Nov 1.
    • Split rail repairs are needed along 123rd and 122nd pond area-pending quote by Brightview
    • White gravel outside owner fence status--still there, Michael got a picture and Don will send to Tessa and Samantha for future follow up. 
  5. Security (position vacant)-
    • LPR update, adjustment maintenance just performed
    • F-Dub security update--now daily
  6. TMT report: Still awaiting about process of removing lien on paid off owners, still awaiting BR process. 
6) Old Business
  • Community art project on 124th wall-status tabled 'til spring due to weather
  • Blackberry removal by Crystal meadows review of bids received none received yet, have TMT get bids (Don met with sheep owner and to send SOW to Samantha)- status report. Brightview $45 per man hour. Built in to budget for next year.
  • Main park drainage issues update--2 bids, one to build up path $1809 including tax Rainier asphalt, one for adding sump--vote sump Landcare $2285 including tax, vote to approve Landcare to perform in the fall (Oct or later once the rain starts) Not sure they will do now that they declined to bid contract.
  • Park rules sign and changes. Include times open, overnight vs park use parking status--no update--tabled until parks amenities are rehomed and added. Eydie to get sign quote and post issue for the expenditure for sport court sign. On hold for playground bids on repairs, will be included. 
  • Draft Audits status--all have been signed off and are now awaiting the final 2018 copy from CPA
  • Horseshoe pit removal status - seek bids in spring
  • Annexation updates - wetlands ownership and maintenance responsibilities of ponds discussed with Auburn--no  new updates
  • Rules rewrite for park parking (for park use only) and to include hydrants and any other changes--tabled
  • Gazebo future painting project status--need bids or community work--built into budget for next year
  • Play structures inspection report review, pending bids on corrective measures to include in budget--repairs included in reserve study budget and we are awaiting a date on the beams to be replaced this year if possible if supplies are here in time.
  • Need bid on sealcoating streets for 2022. No responses yet. Have asked Samantha to get 3 bids for spring.
  • Discussion on if we want fuller service management in the next budget year-added to the budget by keeping old management fees the same instead of reflecting the decrease from this year that occurred after the budget was approved.

7) New business 

  • Oakpointe now asking for 100 townhomes with distances averaged to wetland delineation (Eydie has the report). Should be in planning with the city soon, we are hoping we will get notification this time. 
  • Who will be running again for expiring positions. Follow up. Introduce interested owners for this upcoming election. 
  • Backflow testing not done by VPS, quote underway by Brightview, vote to approve having them do it if Michael approves based on going rates by landscapers to contract this out, if too high we will get NW backflows at approx. $50 each. MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Don, passed unanimously
  • Vote to add 3 French drains around the park per Brightview bid $4885 plus tax--tabled for clarification, Laura recalls that French drains were installed  years ago and didn't work, another solution where the water gets moved is preferred a this time. 
  • Select a board member to represent the HOA on the ASD school naming committee, nominations from the floor. MSP Motion to approve Laura as rep by Laura, 2nd by Amanda, passed unanimously.
  • Vote to approve removal of the 4 fallen trees/branches left by storm at Michael and Don's discretion to use Brightview or get a lower quote, amount expected near $2904 plus tax per Brightview's bid MSP Motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Amanda, passed unanimously.

8) Next BOD Meeting: immediately follows annual meeting Monday Dec 6, 2021 6 pm, same meeting link as usual

9) Next HOA Meeting: December 6 2021, 7 pm via WebEx (corrected from last minutes said 7th in error)

10) Motion to Adjourn Regular Meeting MSP motion to approve by Laura, 2nd by Don, unanimously approved. Michael adjourned.