Foxwood HOA Board
Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2021
I.  Call to Order and Roll Call
Susanne Towill called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board at 7:10 PM on April 08, 2021. This was an online Webex meeting.
The following board members were present: Susanne Towill (President), Jess Anderson (Welcome), Willie Blackburn (Treasurer), Linda Audino (Secretary), George Barnes (ACC), Eydie and Michael Leighty (MyHOA-online). 
Absent: Pat Rowe (Safety), Scott Johnson (Director), Weston Gramer (Director)
Kevin Proett has resigned from the board as he is moving out of the neighborhood. We thank him for his service, and wish him good luck! We can appoint an interim person to the board, but that person will need to be voted in at the next annual meeting.
The board minutes from March 11, 2021 were reviewed. There was an addition made under Old Business about Eydie getting bids on bark as soon as she gets details on the defined areas. George made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Willie. No one was opposed, and all approved publishing the minutes including the correction. 
Online Votes - Willie made a motion to ratify online votes from 3/12/21 through 4/8/21. The motion was seconded by Jess. No one was opposed; all approved.
Passed (none had failed) Voting Results Report - 2021-03-12 to 2021-04-08
Account Name Issue Date Voted Issue Title
Foxwood 11744 3/23/2021 ACC Gazebo
Foxwood 11749 3/31/2021 ACC Shingle Change To Certainteed Landmark Granite Gray
Foxwood 11830 4/2/2021 ACC Fence And Retaining Wall
II.  Finance Report
  • We reviewed current finances and the budget. Our Operating Balance as of the end of March was $58,677; our Total Reserves was $16,385. Total Assets were $75,052.
  • We are under on assessments, but made progress on dues going from 24 to 11 unpaid by the end of March. We are ahead for the year on our General Budget. 
III. Management Report
  • Issues # 11776 and 11777 were discussed. Willie made a motion to move forward on lien filing and sending for collection. Jess seconded the motion. No one was opposed; all approved.
  • Issue #11770 was discussed. A motion was made by Willie to grandfather this issue due to age. Jess seconded the motion. No one was opposed; all approved. 
IV.  Committee Reports
Welcome/Social - The committee met last week. There will be a Foxwood Garage Sale on May 15 from 9-1. Postcards will be sent out, and the HOA will advertise for us.
V.  Old Business
  • Susie will get a bid for barking from Great Results and get to Eydie.
  • Bids are needed for fence staining. Eydie will get bids, and George will track down name of last vendor that did stain.
  • Susie's husband will try to remove graffiti from entrance using gas pressure washer. If water is needed, we can ask house by entrance if we can hook up to their water.
VI.  Adjournment
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM. 
Susie adjourned the meeting at 7:58 PM.
Minutes were submitted by Linda Audino