Foxwood HOA Board
Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2020
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Susanne Towill called to order the regular meeting of the Foxwood HOA Board Meeting at 7:08 PM on April 23, 2020. This was an online Webex meeting. 
The following board members were present: Susanne Towill (President), Kevin Proett (Vice-President), Cheryl Owens (Treasurer), Linda Audino (Secretary), Jon Owens (Director), Jess Anderson (Welcome), Scott Johnson (Director), Pat Rowe (Safety), Eydie and Michael Leighty (MyHOA-online).
Absent: George Barnes (ACC)
Kevin made a motion to approve minutes from March 23, 2020, which includes the change in the amount of financial reserves. No one was opposed, and the minutes were approved to be published. 
II. Financial Report
  • We reviewed finances and the budget. Nine home owners paid in April. 
  • There was discussion about the affect the Governor's Proclamation will have on the collection of late fees, interest, and fines from April 17 through May 17, or later. Verbiage will be included in any notices/violations.
  • According to Proclamation #2025, it is allowable for small businesses to do work outside of customer's homes.  
III. Committee Reports
  • Because it is spring, there have been many ACC requests.
  • There was discussion on ways to streamline communication within the ACC committee. 
Welcome Committee
  • No update because of Covid; the committee has emails ready to go, and will visit new neighbors when restrictions are lifted. 
Safety Committee
  • There is interest in the neighborhood for a block watch. As soon as restrictions lift, the committee will proceed. 
  • Police Chief Andy McCurdy is willing to meet with neighborhood HOAs who want to start a block watch. 
IV. Management Report - ACC and the board went through several pending issues. We approved projects and set some deadlines for owners to resolve violations.
V. Old Business
  • By-Law Amendments were updated on April 18, 2019. Susie reviewed the amendments up for a vote. There was discussion about whether a committee chairperson can be appointed by the board if they are not board members already. Eydie will do some research and send us a summary, and then board can vote on the final document. The board approved reaching out to our attorney, if needed. 
  • R&Rs for Vehicles and Parking - We looked at the revised document and discussed further changes. Susie will send the final document to the board for a vote. 
VI. Adjournment/Next Steps
The next board meeting will be May 21, 2020 at 7:00 PM on Webex. We need to plan for the Annual Meeting in November. 
Susie adjourned the meeting at 8:40 PM.
Minutes were submitted by Linda Audino.