Sunnybrook Place HOA and BOD meetings Nov 8, 2020


Owner Meeting was called to order at 3:09

Only 16 families were represented (quorum is 22 families)


Without a quorum, the meeting became a Town Hall.

Annual Assessment dues for 2021 is February 28th.  Notices will go out in December.

Budget is ratified automatically without a quorum.


Water is turned off at the monuments due to a back flow issue. Without digging, it is suspected that there is extensive damage to the pipes.  We haven’t watered the area for the past couple of years and there hasn’t been any complaints to the board about brown grass and the monuments.  The plants there require little water.


With COVID this year, the proclamation issued by the governor prevented fines for violations between April and August.  That has now been lifted and will resume as normal.


Discussion on the suspected unauthorized food business in one of the rentals came up during the call.  At this time, the HOA board and management company has done all that we can do to put a stop to it. We need either a web link, facebook page, or photos of a pick-up happening to get further assistance to put a stop to it.  Physical evidence is required to prevent a “he said-she said”. A review of the CC&R’s will be reviewed by the board to see if there is further clarification we can put in them to prevent any other occurrences.  Changes to the CC&R’s requires, according to 12.1 Declaration amendment, that 75% of the neighbors have to acknowledge and agree to the changes.  A couple of neighbors have agreed to help the board to complete this.


2021 National night out is currently scheduled for Tuesday, August 3rd.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:07.


Board Meeting called to order at 4:09

Adam will remain on the board as President with the new members that are joining.

Adam nominated Randy Schroeder to be appointed to the board.  All agreed and Randy also accepted the position of Vice President.

Marlene Edwards remains as Secretary

Adam nominated Stephanie Tebrink—Rios to be appointed to the board. All approved. Stephanie will be a Director-at-Large.  This role assists the board or fills in for an officer that is unable to attend.  We have 1 more position available to fill the board completely.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm.

Board meeting is scheduled for 11/15 12:00 to welcome the new members and discuss the potential CC&R change.